齊豫 - 故事 - Chyi - Stories (感覺是我生命中的動力)


Chyi - Stories (感覺是我生命中的動力)

I remember quite clearly now when this story happened 我很清楚的記得這故事是怎麼發生的
The autumn leaves were floating and measured down to the ground 秋葉向地面飄下
Recovering the lake where we used to swim like children 覆蓋著我們曾如孩童般玩樂的湖面
On the sun would dare to shine 陽光一樣照耀著
That time we used to be happy But, I thought we were...這時光我們好快樂,至少我是這樣想的
But the truth was that - you had been longing to leave me 但事實是你早已經想離開我了 
Not daring to tell me 只是你不敢告訴我
On that precious night watching the lake vaguely conscious 那一夜,意識模糊的凝視湖面
You said : our story was ending 你說我們的故事已經結束了
Now I'm standing here no one to wipe away my tears 現在我站在這兒,但沒有人幫我擦眼淚
No one to keep me warm and no one to walk along with 沒有人再給我温暖,沒有人陪我同行
No one to make me feel no one to make me whole 沒有人令我感動,沒有人讓我感到完整
Oh ! what am I to do ? 我應該怎麼做
I'm standing here alone it doesn't seem so clear to me 我獨立站在這兒一切都不渾然不知
What am I supposed to do about this burning heart of mine 我不知如何處置這顆發熱的心
On what am I to do, 我應該怎麼做
Or how should I react ? oh tell me please ! 我應該如何反應,請告訴我 

The rain was killing the last days of summer 這塲雨扼殺了最後的夏日時光
You had been killing my last breath of love 你扼殺了我最後的愛的氣息 
Since a long time ago..在很久以前
I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story 我一直認為我不會再接受其他的愛情
You took it all away from me 因為你把它都帶走了
And there I stand , I knew I was gonna be the...The one left behind 我站在這兒,我早知自己會被拋棄
But still I'm watching the lake vaguely conscious 我仍然意識模糊的凝視湖面
And I know - my life is ending 但我知道,我的生命已經結束

       每個人都有屬於自己的故事   故事的背後  有酸  有甜  有苦
         也許  每個人的經歷不同  遭遇不同  
   在我的生命裡  過程 也許不是那ㄇ順心   但知足常樂是我現在
        的生活   也期許 認識  或不認識的朋友在這個空間裡
                     平  安   喜   樂